Mateen Project

Deposit Geology

The Mateen property is underlain by metamorphic rocks that are cut by pegmatite dykes and small irregular quartz veins.

The two primary spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes at Mateen strike north-northwest and crop out at the crest of the property. Both dip steeply eastward and are discordant to the surrounding schist structure, making them easily identifiable and distinct in composition.

Spodumene Pegmatite

Each of the two primary dykes is composed of three zones: a wall zone of quartz-albite pegmatite, an intermediate zone of quartz-albite-microcline pegmatite, and a core of quartz-albite-microcline-spodumene pegmatite.

Historically, the deposit was accessed via several adits along the strike of the dykes, two main shafts, and with benches driven along the trend of the strike where the outcrop nears the surface of the 170-foot high ridge hosting the pegmatite.

